Cell Phone Contract

Bravo will be implementing a “Bell to Bell – No Cell Phone” policy. This policy has been established to support a safe and respectful learning environment in accordance with LAUSD Board Resolution 035-23/24 (June 2024). It also serves to decrease distractions during instructional times. Students may only use their phones/personal devices with Bravo staff permission. Allowing your child to bring a cell phone/personal device to school means you and your child have been made aware and agree to abide by the policies listed below.


Students enrolled at Bravo Medical Magnet High School and their parents agree with all the following statements:


  • I understand, that using a cell phone in school can be disruptive to the educational process.
  • I understand, a student cell phone must be POWERED OFF during class, not on silent or vibrate, and inside the closed Velcro Pouch before the tardy bell rings.
  • I understand that a student may use a cell phone if permitted to do so by faculty or staff as part of a specified lesson or activity, under their supervision.
  • I understand, that unless students have staff permission, it is a violation for the student to communicate using their device with anyone (including parents) during school hours. I understand that parents should call the school for any emergency or early dismissal and a member of the faculty or staff will then contact the student. DO NOT TRY TO CONTACT THEM BY TEXTING OR CALLING.
  • I understand that failure to abide by the established policy shall result in the device being confiscated until the end of the school day and returned only to a parent/guardian/caregiver. I further understand that three violations of the established policy in one semester will result in the suspension of the right to possess a cell phone while in school until the completion of a dean agreement form.
  • I understand that LAUSD and Bravo Medical Magnet High School are not responsible for any lost, misplaced, or stolen cell phones or other electronic devices.


My child, ___________________________________, has permission to carry a cell phone to school.



Parent/Guardian Signature




I have read the Agreement my parent/guardian signed, and I agree with all the restrictions stipulated above.



Student Signature                                                                                                                   



Please Note: Not signing this form does not indicate that the rules will not apply to your child. It is solely to communicate the policy to our parents, and safeguard the students’ developing minds, and the learning that occurs at this school. This policy is for every student enrolled in our school and satellite campus.