Students » Class of 2023

Class of 2023


Jun 8, 2023

  • Graduation Practice - Report to the Gym at 8:23am

  • Senior Breakfast @ 11:09 - 1:12pm

    • Rep your College  - Wear your college gear

    • Sign Yearbooks

    • Celebrate College Admissions

    • Alumni Awards

    • Alumni Advice

Jun 9, 2023

  • Graduation Practice (P.1-3) - Report to the Gym at 8:23am

  • Brunch

  • Report to the gym after break

  • Graduation Practice (P.4-6)Run through practice 

  • Pass out cap, gowns, graduation tickets, cords @ 11:09

  • Senior Walk - Cap and Gowns and last walk through the halls of Bravo as Bravo students

Jun 12, 2023

Graduation Guidelines and Information:


For Graduates:

  • Graduates report to the Green Room at 4:30 for graduation preparation

  • Don’t forget your cords and stoles!

  • Caps can be decorated and must follow the guidelines posted. 2023 Cap Decorating Guidelines

  • Speakers, bring your speeches

For Parents:

  • Graduation will be on Monday, June 12, 2023, from 6pm-8pm at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium - 300 E Green St, Pasadena, CA 91101

  • Doors open at 4:30pm 

  • Each graduate will receive 6 tickets for graduation on Fri 6/09

  • There is no assigned seating, but we please ask guests to not leave empty seats to allow everyone to see their graduate. 

  • There will not be tickets available at the door

  • There is paid parking around the Civic Auditorium

  • Florists will be available outside before the graduation to buy flowers, or leis for your graduate.

  • Big Heads, Noise Makers, Balloons, and any items that might disrupt the ceremony for other guests are not allowed.

  • Children who can sit within an adult's lap and not block the person behind will not need a ticket

  • You can bring celebration small posters or cutouts to cheer your child as they walk the stage. These items must not block the view of other audience members.

  • Please remain seated until all graduates have exited the ceremony. 

  • Meet your graduates at the outside of the Civic Auditorium

  • Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in rejection from the ceremony.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email Mr. Martinez at [email protected]

June 14th - June 15th

Grad Nite Info / Directions for those who purchased tickets:

  • Arrive at Bravo at 8am on June 14th - report to gym

  • Disney policy requires that you must ride the bus to and from Bravo. You are not allowed to arrive to Disneyland on your own or leave on your own from Disneyland, unless there is an emergency. If you leave Disneyland without notifying your chaperone of the emergency, you will not be given your diploma or transcripts.

  • Bags will be checked prior to boarding busses

  • All participants are to remain sober for the entire trip.

  • Drugs, tobacco, drug & tobacco paraphernalia, alcohol are prohibited at all times

  • There will be additional screenings with drug sniffing dogs at the Grad Nite entrance

  • If any banned substance is found, you will be turned over to Anaheim Police for further action. 

  • All food and drinks must be unopened and store bought (factory sealed)

  • No glass bottles allowed

  • Attire must be Disney appropriate (no images of drugs, violence, weapons, gang affiliation)

  • Backpacks larger than 24" long x 15" wide x 18" high are not allowed in any theme park. 

  • Bring your CA / School ID

  • You must follow ALL these requirements:

  • Grad Nite ends at 2am BUT we will not return to Bravo until all bus riders have been accounted for. This takes an hour with all the graduates locating busses at 2am

  • Return to Bravo at 3:30am.

  • Grads and/or their chaperones may only bring in medication (including but not limited to inhalers and over the counter and prescription medications) in conformance with school policy and the requirements under applicable laws and regulations, such as Section 49423.1 of the California Education Code. (Change from prior years)

June 20-June 22 8:30-11:30am

  • Diploma and Transcripts pick up at Bravo in the main lobby

  • Return Graduation Gowns that were not purchased.

  • If seniors still owe any textbooks, library books, fees, etc, these must be returned before / when picking up diploma & transcripts 

  • DO NOT OPEN the transcripts. They are official because they are sealed. You might need these for additional programs.

Click her for a copy of this information:



Senior Families, if you missed the Senior Parent Meeting on May 11, here are the links to the Google Slides:



Important Dates:

  • Panoramic Picture: 5/12 Period 4 – Wear Class Jerseys

  • Senior Movie Night: 5/12

  • Senior Spirit Week | 05/22-05/26

  • Senior Awards Night | 05/24 5:00-7:00pm - Bravo Gym

  • Grad Nite | 06/14 - CA Adventure / Disneyland

  • 6/8 Graduation Practice, Senior Breakfast, Rep your college

  • 6/9 Graduation Practice, Receive Cap, Gown, Cords, Distribute Graduation Tickets, Senior Walk

    • 6/12 Graduation - Pasadena Civic Auditorium 6:00pm-8:00pm



Bravo MMHS Cap Decorating Guidelines 2023

Class of 2023, you will be able to decorate your caps for graduation. This tradition began with Class of 2021 and we hope to continue this for future classes. But that will depend on your responsibility in following the guidelines. Please take into consideration the following rules when decorating your graduation cap. Failure to follow these rules will result in your cap being confiscated and you not having one for commencement.


  • No offensive language or images of any kind: including but not limited to any of these items that are not appropriate for a school event: racial slurs, drugs or controlled substances, tobacco, alcohol, weapons, gangs, of a sexually explicit, discriminatory or derogatory nature. 

  • Objects on cap must not exceed 1 inch above the cap

  • Your cap CANNOT make noise or be distracting. No bells, horns, or anything that makes noise, no lights.

  • REMEMBER, you will be WEARING the cap for 2-3 hours. Do not add so many items that it is no longer wearable.

It is appropriate to put the following on your cap.  

  • Thank a parent, grandparent, teacher, guardian

  • Recognize your post-secondary plans (college, trade school, military) 

  • Recognize your high school activities (ex. sports, clubs, co-curricular activities) 

  • Your graduation year 

  • Include an inspirational message 

  • Leave it blank. Decoration of your graduation cap is optional. 

Students, we highly suggest you trace your cap onto cardboard and decorate the cardboard. In case you make a mistake you can start over with a new piece of cardboard. After you decorate it, stick it to your cap with double-sided tape or Velcro stickers. Velcro tape can be purchased at any fabric store, Target, Wal-Mart and throughout many CVS and Walgreens stores. We will not furnish new caps if you mess yours up decorating.

Administration will reserve the right to disallow and remove anything that is not considered appropriate for the commencement ceremony.

Here is a link to the Google Doc to save this information and a template:


Class of 2023 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Class of 2023 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

In order to be eligible for all Senior Activities, all members of Class of 2023 & their parent/guardian must sign the MOU. The MOU is a contract that identifies the expectations for you for Senior year. Here is what the MOU says:

As a member of the class of 2023, I am receiving this Memorandum of Understanding so that I am fully aware of my responsibilities as a senior at Bravo.

I must have 150 completed and recorded credits by the first day of fall semester and 180 completed and recorded credits by the first day of spring semester to be considered a senior. In addition, I must complete the Service Learning requirements by the first day of spring semester. I must complete 20 hours of Community Service by the first day of spring semester.

I alone am responsible for my behavior and I understand that I am to obey all school and district rules during my senior year. My status as a senior does not allow me to ignore rules, regulations, or laws.  I further understand that as a senior, I may potentially participate in many activities, which are a privilege of my class, but my participation in these activities is not guaranteed.  My academic habits and courteous behavior will either earn or prevent my participation.

I understand that if I choose not to obey school rules or laws, I may lose the privilege of participation in any or all senior activities.

The following are examples of student expectations that include, but are not limited to:
NO more than 7 (full day), excused, unexcused, truant, absences per school year (to align ourselves with the Districts goal of 97% in seat attendance)
NO more than 6 truancies recorded on attendance record per school year
NO more than 10 class period tardies recorded per semester
NO violation of the cheating policy
NO defiance of school staff in any capacity
NO financial or textbook delinquencies
Additionally, defiance of dress code and electronics polices could also result in nonparticipation in senior activities and graduation.

The following are examples of some of the activities that are a privilege to members of the class of 2023 and are not necessarily guaranteed by your senior status:
Early yearbook distribution
Attendance at special senior meetings or assemblies
Theme dances (i.e., Last Dance, Winter Formal)
Permission to park in the parking structure
Membership on class committees
Class officer status
Senior awards and banquet
Applying for Prom Court
Attendance at the Prom
Participation in Prom Court
Auditioning for graduation speeches
Graduation on stage with the class

To sign the MOU, click on the link. 

The link to the MOU is also posted in the Resource Folder in Class of 2023 in Schoology.