Magnet Program
Bravo’s medical magnet program was originally part of the school integration program to be accessible to all students in the Los Angeles Unified School District; hence, the school community has wide geographical boundaries. About seventeen buses deliver 50% of Bravo’s 1,760 students, some of whom travel up to an hour to school, and are drawn from 32 middle schools. Students apply through the District’s “Choices” program and are selected by the district’s lottery. There is an extensive waiting list. There are no screening procedures to enroll in Bravo. By choosing to be here, students embrace the motto, “Quality and Integrity,” and make an important commitment: work hard; strive to become the best, and become an example for others.
For more information about our Magnet Program, Magnet Office and Magnet Activities, please visit the Magnet Office and related pages in the Admission section of the website.