Pathways - Academic, CTE, Linked Learning
As a Medical Magnet, Bravo Medical Magnet High School has always offered our students a rigorous academic program, but we also prepare our students to plan for a possible career in health or medicine as early as the 9th grade.
By their 11th & 12th grade years, students have the option to specialize their education and pursue Career Technical Education (CTE) pathways in Biotechnology and Patient Care as well as other pathway options in Academic, Arts and AP Coursework.
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Bravo is a proud Linked Learning school and features a Linked Learning Alliance Gold Certified Patient Care Pathway. Bravo adopted the Linked Learning approach to education to expose students to college and career opportunities in the health and medical field.
According to the Linked Learning Alliance, "research shows that Linked Learning students have higher rates of engagement and higher graduation rates than their peers at traditional high schools." Linked Learning is helping the educational experience become more relevant and engaging, preparing our students to succeed in their college, career, and life goals.
Linked Learning and Career Technical Education Patient Care Pathway
Meets UC and Cal State A-G Requirements
A 2-3 year program consisting of Medical Terminology AB (11th grade) and a two-period block class taking place at LAC+ USC Medical Center or USC Keck Hospital (12th grade) and integrated academic subjects (see descriptions below). Exceptional students are offered employment at the conclusion of the program.
<<Click here>> for a link to what your coursework would like like if you stay in the Patient Care Pathway in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.
*If you are interested in the Patient Care Pathway, speak to your counselor to enroll in all 3 courses required per grade level:
Course Descriptions for Linked Learning Patient Care Pathway
The Linked Learning Patient Care Pathway consists of 3 courses in the 10th grade and 6 courses over your junior and senior years. All courses count toward graduation.
10th Grade (3 Courses): Students will need to take 3 courses in order to participate in the patient care pathway. If you are currently in the 9th grade, speak with your counselor to join the pathway as a 10th grader.
- Honors English 10 (Introduction to the Pathway): This is a one-year course in which students are introduced to public health and patient care-themed assignments and projects. This course serves as an introductory course to the healthcare pathway. Guest speakers will be invited to connect students to health careers and topics.
- Chemistry: A-G requirement
- World History: A-G requirement
11th Grade (3 Courses): Students will need to take 3 courses in order to participate in the patient care pathway. If you are currently a 10th-grade student, click on this interest form, AND speak with your counselor about joining the pathway as an 11th-grader: The LINK WILL BE UPDATED AFTER SPRING BREAK. Also, you will need to submit your <<letter of recommendation>> to Ms. Martinez in room 304 or in her teacher's mailbox in the main office.
- Intro to Patient Care (CTE Concentration Course): This is a one-year course in which students develop a comprehensive medical vocabulary while developing a deeper understanding of different parts of the body, health and disease, the nervous system, the immune system, and much more.
- Physiology: This is a one-year course in which students study the function of the human body, cells, organs, and systems. Students will have the opportunity to analyze clinical problems and cases, and students will even monitor some of their own physiological processes.
- American Literature & Contemporary Composition: This is a one-year course in which students will read and analyze American fiction and nonfiction themed around science and patient care. Students will strengthen their critical reading, writing, speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills throughout the year, while being exposed to topics related to the healthcare field.
12th Grade (2-3 Courses): Students have the option to take 2 or 3 cohorted courses. Selection for these courses will take place near the end of the 11th-grade academic year. If you are currently in 11th-grade patient care, please fill out Ms. Bogue's interest form in order to join the 12th-grade cohort.
Health Occupations and Careers A/B/C/D (2-period block, CTE Capstone Course): This is a two-period block of classes taking place at LAC + USC Medical Center. Students wear a uniform before walking over to the hospital to engage in a professional healthcare working environment. Students will explore the various health careers and occupations within a hospital setting.
Government and Economics: Students will take a semester of Government and a semester of Economics. Both semesters fulfill graduation requirements
OR AP Macroeconomics
ERWC: Expository English Reading and Writing Course, a 12th-grade English requirement.
Or AP English Literature
- Health and Fitness Management (1-period, CTE Capstone Course): This is a one-year course designed to provide classroom instruction preparing students for the fitness industry, such as sports therapy and physical therapy. Students will continue their study of human anatomy, physiology, biology, and hands-on training in first aid, CPR, nutrition, injury care, and management.
- Government and Economics or AP Macroeconomics
- ERWC or AP English Lit.
Learn more about Bravo Partner Programs at Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School
Biotechnology Pathway (STAR/EHA)
STAR (Science, Technology and Research)
Meets the UC and Cal State A-G Requirement (11th –12th grades)
Prerequisites required: Teacher Recommendation & Application
A 2 year program in which students are trained in research techniques (11th grade) and assigned to a research laboratory on the USC Health Sciences Campus (12th grade, 2 hour block periods). Students work on a research project under the guidance of a USC mentor, become familiar with pertinent scientific literature, perform standard analysis techniques, and present their findings in PowerPoint and poster formats.
At their USC biomedical laboratory, students contribute to complex problems being studied in fields such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Medical drugs, STEM Cells, Pharmacology, and many more fields. It allows students to learn and master laboratory skills to test possible solutions to these problems, and to develop written and oral communication skills necessary to communicate their findings.
EHA (Engineering for Health Academy)
Meets the UC and Cal State A-G Requirement (11th –12th grades)
Prerequisites required: Teacher Recommendation & Application
A 2 year program that is very similar to the STAR Program, in which students design several projects involving physics, electrical, mechanical, and chemical engineering projects (11th grade) and are assigned to a biomedical engineering research laboratory on the USC Health Sciences or University Park Campuses (12th grade, 2 hour block periods).
The following are some of the USC Departments that EHA students join to complete their biomedical engineering research experience:
- USC Viterbi School of Engineering
- Biomedical Research (Microfluidics or Transducers)
- Image Processing and Informatics
- Electrical Engineering
- Bioelectronics
- Biokinesiology & Physical Therapy
- Preventive Medicine
- Ophthalmology
- USC Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute and the COVID-ARC project:
For more information on both programs:
Contact Mrs. Ramirez- De La Cruz (Science Department)
Please visit
Learn more about Bravo Partner Programs at Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School

Meets the UC and Cal State A-G Requirement (12th grades)
Prerequisites required: Teacher Recommendation & Application

Grade Level: 12
Preferred prerequisite:
Psychology/Sociology (11th grade)
SISTEMMA-Students Innovating STEM Media Arts Academy
Meets the UC and Cal State A-G Requirement (10th –12th grades)
Prerequisites required: Teacher Recommendation & Application
Description: The SISTEMMA Academy is a 3 year Specialized Secondary Program in which students explore ways in which media arts production, distribution and exhibition and the media industry (film, video, digital camera, VR, etc.) intersect with STEM fields, particularly health care.
Coursework: SISTEMMA students take a three year sequence of the following courses (click on links to see info video about classes and teacher webpage for each teacher):
- SISTEMMA English 10 Honors course (10th grade)
- SISTEMMA Filmmaking 1AB (11th grade) (Click HERE for informational video)
- SISTEMMA Journalism AB or SISTEMMA Yearbook AB (12th grade) (Click HERE for informational video)
Curriculum: Students in this academy meld their emerging arts and media skills to promote awareness of all aspects of STEM and Healthcare fields, with a particular focus on public and community health. Students explore the intersections of media arts and STEM/Healthcare. They create media products such as public service announcements, media campaigns, documentaries, and interactive presentations with the purposes of understanding how media is used in STEM and Healthcare fields AND exploring the challenging task of communicating key concepts about STEM and Healthcare - including the benefits of healthy living - to the community.
Partnerships: SISTEMMA has multiple partnerships with industry sector partners, along with collaborations with partners from institutes of higher learning including the following:
- USC Annenberg USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism Critical Media Project:
- USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism Annenberg Youth Academy:
- USC Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute and the COVID-ARC project:
- TeachRock:
- See products of the SISTEMMA program including Vital Signs Video News and the Vital Signs Student Digital Newspaper!
Bravo Public Health & Innovative Technologies (B/PHIT) Academy
The Bravo Public Health & Innovative Technologies (B/PHIT) Academy is a two year program at Bravo in 9th and 10th grades.
B/PHIT is a Specialized Secondary Program and consists of the following two courses:
- B/PHIT Health 9
- B/PHIT English 10 (Honors)
The B/PHIT Academy focuses on how we can help the health of the community by using innovative technologies such as
- building a website to create and collect important Public Health information
- using augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), and drone technology to help the community
- creating public service announcements and analyzing media and social media,
- learning and using data science and data visualization to understand Public Health realities, and
- learning about all aspects of "fitness" (physical, mental, financial, etc.) and
- careers in healthcare!
B/PHIT Health 9 and English 10 classes will incorporate B/PHIT planned themes & activities (may be contingent upon restrictions due to COVID-19) such as becoming CERT certified in disaster preparedness, trained in First AID & CPR, use of innovative digital technologies, exploring key aspects of Public Health, field trips, and having access to college, internship & volunteer opportunities available to students in the B/PHIT Academy.
Check out the following videos to learn more about just some of the partnerships and programs in which the B/PHIT Academy is involved:
- USC Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute and the COVID-ARC project:
- COVID-ARC/Bravo/LAUSD Research Presentation Webinars (to Bravo and LAUSD students):
- CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) and Teen Cert Certification:
- Google Colab CODING:
- USC Annenberg Critical Media Project: Bravo has been in this project since this video below was made; see this page for more info:
- See Bravo B/PHIT Health 9 Students present on "Refusal Skills" as part of the Principal Lopez's Wellness Wednesday Webinars series!
- Learn more about Bravo Partner Programs at Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School: Bravo Partner Programs
Advanced Placement (AP) Capstone
Meets the UC and Cal State A-G Requirement (11th –12th grades)
AP Capstone is a College Board program that equips students with the independent research, collaborative teamwork, and communication skills that are increasingly valued by colleges. It cultivates curious, independent, and collaborative scholars and prepares them to make logical, evidence-based decisions.
AP Capstone is comprised of two AP courses -AP Seminar (11th grade) and AP Research (12th grade)- which fulfills an inquiry based English Language Arts Program. In addition it is designed to complement and enhance the discipline-specific study in other AP courses.