Bravo's Science Bowl teams excel at LADWP Science Bowl. Please join us in congratulating Bravo's Science Bowl teams for a great showing at this year's LADWP Science Bowl.
Cell Phone Contract Bravo will be implementing a “Bell to Bell – No Cell Phone” policy. This policy has been established to support a safe and respectful learning environment in accordance with LAUSD Board Resolution 035-23/24 (June 2024).
School Experience Survey Fill out the survey and send us proof of completion and your child will receive 3 hours of community service.Complete le encuesta y envienos un comprobante de haberla completado y su hijo/a recibira 3 horas de servicio comunitario
Bravo Medical Magnet High School named a National Merit School of Excellence by Magnet Schools of America Bravo has been named a National Merit School of Excellence by Magnet Schools of America, the national association for magnet and theme-based schools.
Vital Signs Student Video Breaking News! See all new and past Bravo Vital Signs Video News and moreon the Video Vault Page!
17th Annual Parent Symposium "The Importance of Expectations in Student Development""La Importancia de las Expectativas en el Desarrollo de Estudiante"
Vital Signs Student Newspaper December Issue Released The December issue of Bravo's online student written newspaper, Vital Signs, is now available on the Bravo Website!
Bravo NErDy wins first Place Overall in annual Molympics competition! Molympics 2024 marks Bravo's second year in a row to be in first place!!! This year 105 schools competed worldwide including 5 from Europe, 2 from Australia, 6 from Canada and 6 from Southern California.
Bravo School Governance Councils dates set Bravo's ELAC, SSC, and LSLC dates and meeting links are now available.
Finals Schedule for last week of Fall Semester Hello Bravo Families,The week of December 9-13 marks the final week of the Fall 2024 semester. Please note: There will be no late buses next week.
Help Bravo win LAUSD iAttend Campaign Challenge! iAttend is a district-wide effort aimed to promote coherency and a shared responsibility to improve student attendance and ultimately prepare our students to be ‘Ready for the World’.
Schedule Your Bravo School Tour Today! Is your 8th grader interested in enrolling at our renowned Medical Magnet High School? Don’t miss exploring our campus—sign up for a tour today!
Apply to Bravo Medical Magnet High School - Deadline Nov 15! Apply on time and select Bravo as your top choice to increase your chances of securing a spot at our renowned school!
Coffee with the Principal this Thursday, Dec 5 This Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 5 pm, we will be sharing information about the district's plan to implement a new policy to address a cell phone free school day.